Bibliography of Materials on
British Columbia Native Languages

Here are some references on the history and status of British Columbia native languages in general.

Kinkade, M. Dale (1991)
"Prehistory of the Native Languages of the Northwest Coast," Proceedings of the Great Ocean Conferences, vol. 1: The North Pacific to 1600. pp. 37-158. (Portland: Oregon Historical Society Press).

Levine, Robert and Freda Cooper (1976)
``The Supression of B.C. Languages: Filling in the Gaps in the Documentary Record,'' Sound Heritage ii.3-4.43-75.
A presentation of the evidence that the governments and churches actively suppressed the native languages of British Columbia. Contains many quotations from government and church documents. (A discussion of the very similar suppression of native languages in the United States may be found here.)

Poser, William J. (2000)
``The Status of Documentation for British Columbia Native Languages,'' First version, January 1999. Updated from time to time.
A detailed review of the existing documentation (dictionaries, grammars, text, and university-level textbooks) for the native languages of British Columbia. Includes discussion of the uses of documentation and of the extent of on-going research. This may be purchased from YDLI or downloaded from the download page.

Thompson, Laurence C. and M. Dale Kinkade (1990)
"Languages" in Wayne Suttles (ed.) Handbook of North American Indians. Volume 7: Northwest Coast. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution. pp. 30-51.
A survey of the languages of the Northwest coast, which includes much of British Columbia, as well as adjacent portions of the United States.

Tolmie, William and George Dawson (1884)
Comparative Vocabularies of the Indian Tribes of British Columbia. Montreal: Dawson Brothers.
This contains words in numerous languages, arranged in parallel columns to facilitate comparison. The quality of the transcription is generally poor, as the transcribers were not trained linguists and were generally recording languages with which they were not very familiar. For the same reasons, the words recorded often do not mean what Dawson and Tolmie thought they meant. However, these lists are often of some historical interest as early recordings of the languages.


Yinka Déné Language Institute © 2006