A Dictionary of Coeur d'Alene Salish From Gladys Reichard's Slip Files.
M.A. thesis, University of Montana.
Bates, Dawn, Thom Hess, and Vi Hilbert (1994)
Lushootseed Dictionary..
Seattle: University of Washington Press.
Carlson, Barry F. (1989)
Spokane Dictionary.Occasional Papers in Linguistics No. 6
Missoula: University of Montana Press.
Czaykowska-Higgins, Ewa and M. Dale Kinkade (1998)
"Salish languages and linguistics,"
Salish Languages and Linguistics: Theoretical and Descriptive
Perspectives.The Hague: Mouton. pp. 1-68.
An overview of current issues in Salishan linguistics.
Czaykowska-Higgins, Ewa and M. Dale Kinkade (eds.) (1998)
Salish Languages and Linguistics: Theoretical and Descriptive
The Hague: Mouton.
A collection of papers on a variety of topics, some devoted to particular
Salishan languages, some to the family as a whole.
Edel, May M. (1939)
"The Tillamook Language,"
International Journal of American Linguistics10.1.1-57.
Gardiner, Dwight, Lisa Matthewson, and Henry Davis (1993)
"A Preliminary Report on Word Order in Northern Interior Salish,"
Proceedings of the International Conference on Salishan and Neighboring
Salishan Lexical Suffixes: A Study in the Conceptualization
of Space.Ph.D. dissertation, Simon Fraser University.
Kinkade, M. Dale (1981)
Dictionary of the Moses-Columbia Language.
Nespelem, Washington: Colville Confederated Tribes.
Kinkade, M. Dale (1983)
"Salishan Evidence Against the Universality of 'Noun' and 'Verb',"
Kinkade, M. Dale (1990)
"Sorting Out Third Persons in Salish Discourse,"
International Journal of American Linguistics56.341-60.
Kinkade, M. Dale (1991)
Upper Chehalis Dictionary.Occasional Papers in Linguistics No. 7
Missoula: University of Montana Press.
Kinkade, M. Dale (1990)
"Prehistory of Salishan Languages,"
Papers for the 25th International Conference on Salish and Neighboring
Languages. Vancouver: University of British Columbia.
pp. 197-208.
Kroeber, Paul D. (1999)
The Salish Language Family: Reconstructing Syntax.
Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press.
A comparative and historical study of Salishan syntax, with
emphasis on subordination and focussing.
Montler, Timothy (1999)
"Language and Dialect Variation in Straits Salishan,"
Anthropological Linguistics41.4.462-502.
Presents evidence that Klallam is a distinct language from Northern
Straits and discusses the dialect differences within Northern Straits.
Newman, Stanley (1979)
"A History of the Salish Subject and Possessive Forms,"
International Journal of American Linguistics45.207-223.
Newman, Stanley (1979)
"The Salish Object Forms,"
International Journal of American Linguistics45.299-308.
Newman, Stanley (1980)
"Functional Changes in the Salish Pronominal System,"
International Journal of American Linguistics46.155-167.
Reichard, Gladys A. (1938)
"Coeur d'Alene,"
in Franz Boas (ed.)
Handbook of American Indian Languages3515-707. New York: J. J. Augustin.
Thomason, Sarah G. (1994)
A Dictionary of Montana Salish.
Assisted by Lucy G. Thomason and Dorothy A. Berney.
Contributors: Joe Eneas, Dorothy Felsman, Dolly Linsebigler, Felicité
McDonald, Lucy Vanderburg, Harriet Whitworth, and Clarence Woodcock.
With technical assistance from William Poser and Richmond Thomason.
A draft dictionary of the language also known as Flathead.
Urbanczyk, Suzanne C. (1996)
Patterns of Reduplication in Lushootseed.
Ph.D. dissertation, University of Massachusetts at Amherst.
Vogt, Hans (1940)
The Kalispel Language. An Outline of the Grammar with Texts,
Translations, and Dictionary.
Oslo: Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi i Oslo.