Babine-Witsuwit'en (BW) is spoken in the Bulkley Valley and around Francois Lake, Babine Lake, and Takla Lake, in Northwestern British Columbia. It consists of two closely related dialects, Babine and Witsuwit'en. It is also known as the Bulkley Valley/Lakes District Language, as Northern Carrier, and as Western Carrier. The last two terms are especially to be avoided as they suggest that this language is more closely related to Dakelh (Carrier) than it really is.
Babine is also known as Nadot'en, Nedut'en, and Nat'oot'en.
Witsuwit'en is also spelled Wetsuwet'en, Wets'uwet'en, and Wet'suwet'en.
Babine-Witsuwit'en is an Athabaskan language.
Yinka Déné Language Institute © 2006